Rugvista's ontwerpprijsvraag!
sunset door Kristina Pacesaite
I love soft colours of the evening time. The name of the design was chosen after a weekend spent in solitary beach in Latvia :)
Man patinka svelnios vakaro spalvos. Sio darbo pavadinima pasirinkau po savaitgalio keliones i Latvijos pajuri.
Over Kristina Pacesaite
Kristina Pacesaite is a Lithuanian artist currently living in Spain. She graduated with a BA in Ceramics from the Kaunas Art College and with a BA in Applied Graphics from the Kaunas Art Faculty (Lithuania) She has been creating artwork and commission work ever since.
Esu Kristina Pacesaite, lietuve menininke, siuo metu gyvenanti Ispanijoje. 1999 metais esu baigusi keramikos studijas Kauno kolegijoje ir taikomosios grafikos studijas Kauno dailes fakultete. Nuo to laiko dirbu laisvai samdoma dizainere, dalyvauju ivairiuose projektuose.